
We Need God.

As I write this I am at a season in my lyfe where my resources, and my source for living are totally dependent on God. This is a place of faith I have chosen to walk in, the great thing about a season is it doesn't last long. I started out trusting God to provide for me, and He has not failed me. In fact, He has blown my brain, while I have blown this season. I am so unworthy of anything God does for me. Once again, for the 1000th time in my life, I have started on the path to sell-out out to God, and redeeming my relationship with Him. But now I have fallen short....I have stopped....I have missed the mark....I have let God down. But yet and still the Lord has given me another chance, by giving me another day. It is so easy for me to quit right now, it is easy for me to be comfortable in this place of stagnation. But this time I can not keep still. I have to keep telling myself that FAILURE IS NOT A OPTION, and to be incomplete is not Gods' purpose for my life. I must keep moving forward, I have to continue this journey toward my future. I do not know what is ahead, I have to trust God, because I need Him.
Perhaps you have reached a place in your lyfe where you are feeling lost or stuck about what to do, and which way to go. I believe that if you admit to God that you need Him, then I know He is more then willing to help you. It's okay to admit that you feel lost, it's okay to admit to God that you don't know which direction to go in. You probably have everything figured out. If you are like me, I'm sure you have every detail outlined, and every goal written down about the NEW YEAR, and your future. I am even convinced that you had developed the energy and motivation to give lyfe your all, but some where on the journey, you stopped, you quit, you gave up. I know because I have been there, I have been to the point where I knew where I was headed in life. Then all of a sudden I found myself in the midst of circumstances, and situations beyond my control, someone came along and knocked my focus, some event distracted me, and detoured me from the plan I had set for myself.
It is in those moments where we feel off track, and out of focus, that we must look to God to re-direct us, and re-focus us. Why? Because He orchestrates those moments. And He knows what we need better then we can articulate. Yuuup! He meant for that event to come along and bring a road block you can not seem to get around. God meant for the college that you thought you should have been accepted into, to deny you. He meant for you to get caught up in the streets, and running with the worng crowd. All of the the things negative that were events in our lives, God put them there. Just so you will have the moment where you admit that you need Him. What would be Gods' purpose if life was perfect? What would be Gods' purpose if we had it all figured out? What would be Gods' purpose if we always had the things we needed? What would be Gods' purpose if We always kept a job to provide for us? What would be Gods' purpose if you knew where your life was going? What would be Gods' purpose if you could control what happened to you? What would be Gods' purpose if you knew how you would recover? What would be Gods' purpose! It is in these moments of doubt and confusion that God works His best. It is in the times we are stuck that God is there waiting to pull us out. It is in the times where we fear for our living, that God is willing to provide for us. I feel your pain, but God knows your pain. This is nothing far-fetched. This is nothing too hard for you to do. It's simple. Tell God how much you need Him. I don't care who you are, or how much money you have. As long as you are human, the more you will need God. HE'S MORE THEN ABLE TO HELP YOU.

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! -Proverbs 3:5-12

-Tru Religion


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I'm just a average individual, but my mind is far from average. I thank God for giving me the gift of writing. And I thank Him for giving me this platform to share my gift with the world. With all the crazy things going on in my lyfe, my writing is the only thing that makes me whole.