
How to Slay Your Dragon


Recently I went to see the movie, 'How to train your dragon' and the movie takes place in a mythical village where a teenage boy aspires to follow his father's tradition of being a dragon slayer. After finally capturing his first dragon, the teenage boy finds that he no longer has the desire to kill the dragon and instead befriends it. Sounds like many of us and the spirits we should be fighting off, instead we have learned to live with them. Even me, it seems like at times I have settled, and become allies with the things of this world that seem to befriend me as well, but are no good for me. 
   The teenage boys' name is Hiccup and Hiccup's daddy is the Chief of the village, the king, the president, the chief ruler. Hiccup's village is beset by dragons which raid their sheep, and terrorize their village. During a raid, Hiccup shoots down a rare dragon with a cannon that he made, After shooting the dragon the boy goes to the woods and finds the injured dragon, but can not bring himself to kill it. As christians, we must understand our place as son's and daughter's of THE KING, God. We have to understand that we have more power then we ourselves believe we have. If God is our father, we shouldn't have no problem overcoming the dragons that stand in the way of our salvation. If God is as powerful as we confess Him to be, then we shouldn't have to battle the challenges of this life on our own. Remember the cliche` "this battle is not ours, but God."  Many of us spend our entire lives' fighting dragons that should already be defeated. It's not suppose to be this way! Many of us spend our whole lives' fighting spirits passed down to us through family generations, It's not suppose to be this way! Many of us have made no attempts to rid ourselves of the nasty perverted spirits that pull us farther and further away from the presence of God. It's not suppose to be this way! Many of us are living our lives' in a repeated cycle of rebellion, and disobedience, and failure. It's not suppose to be this way! Greater is HE that is in you, then the DRAGONS that are in this world. We spend our whole lives' fighting dragons, and we never get to pursue destiny. Because we are always pursuing the demons that seem to overpower us, when in fact, we give them the power they have. 
   In the movie, the teenage boy, Hiccup, shoots down the dragon, and then goes into the woods seeing it  laying there in pain and agony, and instead of ending the dragons life it has pity for it and frees it. How many times have God given you victory over your addiction only for you to go right back into the world, and pick it up again. How many times have we declared our deliverance over our afflictions, only for us to go back and resurrect it again and again. Jesus Christ didn't die, and resurrect only to be crucified over and over and over again because of our ignorance. Stop giving life to the very thing that's KILLING you. Decide that you will no longer live beneath the power that God has given you, and slay the dragon once and for all.

-Tru Religion


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I'm just a average individual, but my mind is far from average. I thank God for giving me the gift of writing. And I thank Him for giving me this platform to share my gift with the world. With all the crazy things going on in my lyfe, my writing is the only thing that makes me whole.