
I'm the greatest writer on earth.

Transcribing an interview is, in some ways, like carrying a baby.
At first every event is exciting and new. All you can think about are the amazing new experiences you are about to be exposed to and the new information you will discover on this long journey. While transcribing an interview, you get used to the interviewee’s voice, style of speech and verbal ticks (if I hear the words “you know what I’m saying” one more time…). While carrying a baby, the soon-to-be mother might at first become enthralled by feeling the first kick or witnessing her own body change shape for another being.
By the middle of the journey, the outlook starts to get bleaker and the difficulties of the process set in. The morning sickness hits and you don’t know how many more times you can run to the bathroom. You realize that you’ve listened to the same three seconds about 50 times and there is no way you will understand the mumbling. You begin to question how much longer you can go on for.
The last stretch is the toughest. You push and push and fight through everything in your mind that’s telling you to stop—and out comes a beautiful baby. It was all worth it. You forget about every last second of the pain because the ultimate accomplishment is worth more than any struggle.


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I'm just a average individual, but my mind is far from average. I thank God for giving me the gift of writing. And I thank Him for giving me this platform to share my gift with the world. With all the crazy things going on in my lyfe, my writing is the only thing that makes me whole.