WoW! Goodbye past! Goodbye Misery! Goodbye depression! I found a new set of friends, there names are, happiness, peace, and fulfillment! I've gotten rid of that MONSTER-IN-LAW call stagnation. I've released fear, and I'm going after everything God has for me. I refuse to live below my potential another day, let alone another year. I can honestly say, I'm happy with where my lyfe is right now, because I'm making progress. The mystery of tomorrow is a good one, because I know that God has worked it out in my favor. I know longer count the times I fall short, but now I count each step toward progress. So hello happiness! My desire is to know you, i've grown tired of my misery. I want to experience you in your fullness. Now I realize that lyfe doesn't have to be tough, if I do it Gods' way.
-Tru Religi0n